Friday, September 19, 2014


The world is a big place, full of people.What are the odds that you would run into certain random people twice or more in your lifetime? You cannot really say. People change, places change and situations certainly do not remain the same.

Be careful how you slam doors in your life. Slammed doors in places. Slammed doors on people. Slammed doors on ideas. Seasons change.Some of those doors you will need to use in the future. Will you be able to open them back?

One thing is certain, people most times never forget. Before you take that next action or speak those words remember to be nice. The world is a small town with the same people.

- Tola

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Life Is An Adventure

Life is beautiful. It is a gift and also a wonderful adventure.
It is possible to be here on earth and not really live. 
I do not mean having everything you have ever wanted.
Neither do I mean been completely content and happy all the time. 
Try to give your all to whatever Godly cause or purpose you believe in.
It is either wholly or nothing at all. 
Take time to pause and enjoy the little things even in the middle of chaos going on within and outside of you. Try not to hate the day before you even step out of the house in the morning. 
Speak to your day, it can hear and trust God to make stepping out everyday worthwhile. 
You do not have to experience everything out there. Not all paths are yours to take. 
Some risk are worth taking. Sometimes you will make mistakes. Get up and continue with your life. 
People will pass through your life. Like the flow of a stream, some will look for something in you to hold on to, whether good or bad. Others might just come and go, like they were never there. 
Think of the next man. Let your heart be open to the needs of others. Your bronze is another man's gold. Let God use you to meet a need. Go on adventure with God. Climb through mountains with Him. Watch Him slay strongholds in your life. Let Him lead you through doors without having to turn the lock. Marvel as He makes a way where there seemed to be no way. I tell you, life is an adventure.


Friday, May 30, 2014

No More Hiding

Things left covered do not heal - TD Jakes

No More Hiding.
Only three people knew his secret. One of them lived in Italy now. The other was close by. Close enough to remind him of where he was 5years ago.  Things were working so well in his life.  He would be marrying Tinuke in three months time. They were looking forward to starting a family immediately after they became husband and wife. But, a part of him was somewhere faraway. A beautiful little girl who had the same nose and piercing eyes like her father. He looked at his image in the mirror and what he saw were the eyes of Victory staring back at him.
How long was he going to keep this hidden? The past seemed so far away and buried at the time he took that decision. Now he had to deal with it. He had taken a wrong turn 6 years ago. He knew God had forgiven him. But why did he still feel so much shame?

"Your redeemer God says: I left you but only for a moment. Now with enormous passion I am bringing you back. In an outburst of anger I turned my back on you-but only for a moment. It is with everlasting love, I am tenderly caring for you".

Those words in Isaiah 54 v7-8 kept playing in his head. God forgave him and God will help him sort it all out. He had to stop hiding his daughter. He needs to take this step to complete his healing process that started one year ago in his living room. He did not live in the past anymore. He has seen the light. It is time to come out.

No matter what you did in the past, God loves you and He still wants to have a relationship with you. Your mistakes and wrong turns in life should be left at His feet. Nothing is hidden before God. He knows everything. Your past might be in the form of a hurt,a person that is a constant reminder of how foolish you once acted, physical scars, emotional wounds. Whatever it is, give it to God and watch Him make you whole.